Whiti Te Ra! is Kura Auckland’s 4th Toihoukura Exhibition.
An exhibition aimed at showcasing emerging Maori artists and supporting the broader context of contemporary Maori art education and Maori art practice.
Opens 5.30pm Thursday 11 December 2014
Nau mai haere mai!
All Welcome!
Original Painting by Tiwai Williams
Toihoukura School of Maori Visual Arts and Design Gisborne
On 1 January 2011, Tairawhiti Polytechnic officially merged with EIT Taradale becoming the off-site campus now known as EIT Tairawhiti.
On the new organisational structure, Toihoukura sits under the School of Maori Studies – Te Manga Maori, it continues to enjoy a high level
of autonomy, creative license, and close links to hapu, iwi and wider Maori community groups.
Toihoukura Philosophy
Tenei nga poumatua
Tenei nga poumatua
Te kahui pou o tai whakarongo wananga
Te pou ka toko, te pou ka hiki, te pou ka eke.
To ake nei matau I te tatau
O te whare o Te Toi-o-nga-rangi
Te tatau o te umu tiramarama
Te umu tipu te whaihanga.
Whakatiria te hi o Rua kia hihiri
Whakapoua te hi o Rua kia rarama.
Tohungia te hau o Rongo-tangi-te-wiwini
Rukuhia te wai o Rongo-tangi-te-wawana
Kia ma nga pukenga, kia ma nga wananga
Kia ma hoki matau enei pia, enei tauira
He toirangi, he toimatua, he toi tangata ki ahau e!
Ki te whai ao, ki te ao marama
Whano, whana haramai te toki!
Haumi e, hui e, taiki e!
Na Derek Lardelli
Used to inspire, awaken the mind and quicken the thought processes no matter the subject being discussed. The reference to those who have passed on, and the processes and protocols they have left behind to guide in everyday life is
acknowledged so that understanding and enlightenment are achieved. This finds its foundation in the story of how the three baskets of knowledge were acquired by Tane from the Twelfth Heaven and the sacred gods – the knowledge to be shared amongst mankind. It is this thread that connects us with the power of higher learning and the pursuit of knowledge – so that we may find the world of light, and the world of living. It is a growing art, a veritable art, a living art!