Warren McGrath
Te Hinganga a Kurangaituku – Kahia (Figurine attached to gable of Maori houses)
totara (prodocarpus totara), paua (haliotis), paraoa (physeter macrocephalus), toroa whakaingo (diomedea pomophora), ruru (ninoxnovaeseelandiae), harakeke (phormium tenax), stain, wax
1110 x 180 x 100mm
A July19 rm
NZD $4,250
Te Hinganga a Kurangaituku (The demise of Kurangaituku) is a visual representation depicting historical incident in which Hatupatu rid his people of the dreaded Manu Tuupua, the demonic bird like creature Kurangaituku.
This creature was renowned for attacking and harassing parties of hunters as they entered the great domain Taane-te-wao (deity of the forests) in the vicinity of the ancient fortress Poohatu-roa near Atiamuri, to harvested Kereru, Kaakaa and Tui (Forest birds) to be prepared as provisions for the winter months.
Hatupatu is depicted standing with his arm raised ready to strike the death blow to Kurangaituku who is withering in pain below. Her body twisted and distorted from the long fought battle with Hatupatu in which she meets her demise.
As one travels South from Tokoroa to Atiamuri the rock in which Hatupatu took shelter from Kurangaituku can be seen in a road side reserve, it is not uncommon to see travelers stopping at sites of historical significance to place offerings of greenery within, to aid them in a safe journey.